Making and keeping up with an at-home compost bin is easier than it may seem. Here are 5 simple steps on how to make your bin at home, according to Gaiam Life.

  1. Buy or make a compost bin – After you have decided that you want to have your own compost at home, you can either buy a pre-made compost bin, or make your own. If you don’t want to go through the process of making your own bin, there are many stores that offer pre-made bins, usually a local hardware store. If you want to make your own, you have a few options. Whether you choose a garbage can or pieces lumber, there are many options available to you.
  2. Put holes in the compost bin – If you are deciding to make your own bin, it is essential to put holes in the container. Without holes moisture would not be able to get in and out of the bin. It is recommended that you place holes in the lid of the bin, but also at the bottom of the bin, so that water can drain properly.
  3. Place your bin – It is recommended by the EPA to put your bin in a dr, and shady location so that the water placed in the bin does not get dried out from the sun shining on it.
  4. Adding your materials – Three types of materials are recommended for use in your compost bin, green materials, brown materials and water. Layer your bin by adding your green materials, also known as organic materials, then adding the brown materials, like leaves and paper.
  5. Add water and turn – Once you have a fair amount of material in your bin, add water and stir the materials around. When you are stirring the bin, be sure not to puncture holes in the side of the bin, this would be counterproductive.