With summer in full swing for a month now, make sure that when you take your summer trip you are leaving as little of impact on the environment as possible. Here are three things that you can do to reduce your footprint and have a eco-friendly next camping trip, via Rethink Recycling.

  1. Getting the gear – Instead of going to buy brand new gear like backpacks, tents, lanterns and sleeping bags, try to buy some of those items second hand. Many places accept these old items, so why not try there before spending money for brand new stuff.  Not only are you saving money, but it is better for the environment. If the idea of buying a used sleeping bag doesn’t appeal to you, or are set on buying a new one, they actually make sleeping bags that are made from recycled materials!
  2. Minimize your trash – Instead of bringing rolls of paper towel, bring a couple reusable dish towels. Bring your own silverware from home, instead of buying disposable plastic silverware. You can also bring a bag for your recyclables and take it home with you.
  3. Propane tanks – If you used a propane tank on your trip, make sure that it is disposed of properly. If you decide that you don’t need it anymore and want to get rid of it, the first thing you need to do is make sure that it is empty to reduce the risk of explosion. Do this by attaching it to a gas powered grill or stove and make sure that no gas is coming out of it. After you check to make sure that there is no gas left in it, check with the place that you bought it from and see if they will take it back from you (most places will). If not, you can check http://search.earth911.com/?what=Propane+Tank+Recycling&where=Grand+Rapids%2C+MI&city=Grand+Rapids&latitude=42.919832&longitude=-85.5053&list_filter=all for more propane tank disposal options.