Believe it or not, no two trash bags are created equally. Garbage bags vary as widely as the items you throw away. Garbage sacks come in different sizes, thicknesses, densities, colors, and tie methods, all designed to meet specific disposal needs.


Before you just grab any box of trash bags off the store shelf, make sure you’re getting the best bag for your application. Your dumpster and garbage pickup service will thank you.


What Are Your Trash Removal Service’s Standards?


Before selecting any kind of bag, be sure that you know what your garbage service expects. Some business garbage pickup services want customers to use dense trash bags to avoid spills, while others require clear plastic bags so that workers can see items and separate recyclable materials. Communicate with your residential or business garbage pickup service to avoid a hassle.


What are You Throwing Away?


After determining what your pickup service people request, choose a bag based on the items you’ll be disposing of. If you’re throwing away sharp items, like sticks or broken glass, consider low-density bags that are resistant to punctures. If you’ll be needing a bag with stretch that can manage heavy loads but likely won’t be punctured, choose high density. These bags are best for office environments that recycle large amounts of heavy paper. High-density bags tend to be cheaper and are adequate for handling everyday household waste.


How Big is Your Bin?


When choosing a trash bag size, try to match the receptacle and the bag volumes. Many manufacturers label bins by the gallon. Common sizes include 55 gallon, 32 gallon, and 10 gallon, and these volumes correspond with common trash bag sizes on the market. However, if you’re using a non-traditional receptacle, or if you are not sure what size the bin is, you can do some calculating and measuring to estimate a size. When in doubt, choose a bag one size larger than you think you need.


Other Considerations


Some other details to consider when choosing a bag include how the bag ties, whether it blocks odors, and if the price makes sense for your application. Some bags offer pull-string closures that can make tying and carrying the bag a bit easier, but these bags cost a bit more. If you’re managing a company, you’ll need to find budget-friendly bags that can be bought in bulk, and that meet the standards outlined by your business garbage pickup service.


Finally, some homeowners choose to buy odor-blocking bags to keep diaper smells or rotten foods from stinking up their kitchen. While these bags can be helpful, sometimes a sprinkle of baking soda removes odors just as effectively!


The average person generates over four pounds of trash every day, or 28 pounds per week. Use these tips to make sure your trash bags are up to the challenge. Choose the right size and material to keep you garbage collector happy and to keep your life mess-free!