While it is easy to throw something away and forget it exists completely, the life of your trash continues much longer. There are many precautions you can take to be more mindful of the waste you produce — especially when you have multiple family members. Therefore, here are a few ways you can be more responsible when it comes to throwing out your garbage.

Know What You Can Put in Your Dumpster and What You Shouldn’t


Try to keep plastics and other recyclables out of the trash. Water bottles, for example, should enter a separate receptacle. If your goal is to reduce the amount of waste created by your large family, reuse certain plastic within your home. In fact, the waste hierarchy uses this term — one of the three R’s of sustainability — as the gold standard in waste minimization. For example, you can use an old milk jug as a planter. You can also use old plastic bottles to hold pencils and pens in your office or kitchen.


Composting is another way you can cut down on the amount of waste your large household produces. Instead of throwing these next few items in the dumpster, place them in a dedicated compost bin, so that you can create nutritious food for your houseplants or outdoor garden. Not to mention, throwing out old food can cause your trash can, home, or garage to stink. Therefore, consider placing the follwing items in a compost bin instead.

    • newspaper clippings
    • banana peels
    • tree leaves
    • grass clippings
    • coffee grounds
    • potato peelings

Watch Your E-Waste

Nowadays, we have a new type of waste, referred to as e-waste. This includes any old technological device that no longer benefits the user; therefore, it gets tossed in the dumpster. To combat this environmental issue, try to purchase your electronics secondhand. While throwing your old computers, gaming consoles, and phones away in the dumpster is technically legal, go with a trash pickup service that can help you discard these items properly. This is especially important if you’re getting rid of a large amount of supplies during an office cleanout.

Approved Items for the Dumpster

However, no one is perfect, and waste is inevitable. Avoid placing tires, cleaning fluids, and toxic waste in any receptacle — public or private. Approved items typically include household junk and wooden furniture.

For Proper Waste Management Removal and Trash Pickup, Give Us a Call

However, another way you can be more responsible about the waste you create is to hire a service that can help with waste management. A trash pickup service ensures that the waste your commercial or residential space generates is disposed of properly. Call us to learn more about our trash pickup and removal services today.