Between 25% and 55% of all waste created in large cities is collected by municipal authorities. This can happen due to many people not correctly disposing of their trash. To have an effective trash removal method, it’s important to be educated on what you can and cannot put in your curbside trash. Here are a few items that may be helpful to know that you should not attempt to throw away and can even be dangerous to do so.

Aerosol Cans

An aerosol can is seen as an acceptable thing to dispose of, but what’s on the inside can be dangerous. It’s possible the cans could contain propellants or chemicals, which could explode within a trash compactor. However, it is possible to recycle this can if you have completely removed all of the contents within the can.


Paint is considered toxic waste and should not be thrown into your curbside garbage. Tossing paint into the garbage is harmful to the environment, as it releases its toxins and chemicals into the air and land. Consider another trash removal method to remove unwanted paint from your home, such as donating the paint to your local community service or a local paint supplier.


Batteries are unable to be thrown into your curbside trash, because of the metals used to make them. Metals like cobalt and lead, which are in batteries, are harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. To dispose of batteries, you can consider dropping them off at a local trash site. Some retail stores offer to take unwanted batteries as well.

Large Appliances

Large appliances have the potential to be recycled for parts, so it’s not recommended to throw them into your curbside trash. It’s less wasteful to recycle large appliances and use their good scraps to make another large appliance in the future.

Medical Waste

Medical waste such as syringes, containers, or fabrics, could be contaminated and need to be disposed of properly. Hazardous medical waste can present a threat to the environment, along with human health if exposed to medical waste. To get rid of medical waste, contact your local county’s waste office and educate yourself on the best way to dispose of these contaminants.

Automotive Parts

Not only could you be throwing money away by trashing automotive parts, but you could also be releasing harmful chemicals or hazardous materials into the environment. Recycling is a more effective trash removal method when it comes to automotive parts. Along with saving the environment, you can make some money by taking the parts to a scrap metal dealer instead.

Construction Debris

As far as trash removal concrete is extremely hard to get rid of, however, it is very easy to recycle. Instead of throwing it out with your curbside trash, find an alternative place to donate it so the materials may be reused and repurposed.

Motor Oil

Motor oil should never be placed into your regular garbage, as it’s possible it could leak onto the ground. Many motor shops that sell motor oil are willing to take back unwanted oil and recycle it. This can vary depending on your area, but it’s a simple call to a motor shop to get the information needed to rid yourself of the oil.

Food Scraps

While food scraps technically can be included in your curbside trash, by throwing this into your garbage, it will be sent to the landfill, where it could potentially create methane. Instead of throwing your food scraps into the garbage, consider utilizing a compost bin and using your food scraps to fertilize your garden or taking them to your local compost center.

Trash removal is an important aspect of everyday life, and it’s vital for the environment and safety of others to educate everyone on this matter. Being more educated on trash removal not only can possibly help your wallet more, but it can also help the environment and prevent further pollution.