While over 87% of Americans are able to access drop-off or curbside paper recycling programs, many individuals have a need for proper disposal of organic waste. Let’s delve into what organic waste is and how your waste management company can assist you.

What Is Organic Waste?

Organic waste is waste that is biodegradable and originates from either an animal or a plant. Biodegradable waste is material that is organic in nature and can be broken down into organic molecules, carbon dioxide, or methane. Your waste management company can provide the proper receptacles for the proper disposal of organic waste. Some examples of organic waste include food waste, green waste, pruning and landscaping waste, wood waste that’s non-hazardous, food-soiled paper, and more.

What Is The Importance Of Isolating Organic Waste From Other Waste?

Once organic waste is placed in local and regional landfills, anaerobic decomposition takes place due to limited oxygen supply. With this anaerobic decomposition, methane is created and then released into the atmosphere. Methane is a gas that is far more potent than a greenhouse gas. In fact, it’s more potent than carbon dioxide. When your waste management company recycles that organic waste, they will be helping to reduce greenhouse emissions while helping to conserve our natural resources.

How Can I Safely Handle The Organic Waste I Produce?

These days, many businesses and homeowners want to work with a reputable waste management service to effectively and efficiently dispose of organic waste. Conversion and composting are two of the most effective ways to safely manage the organic waste that is generated. Waste management companies spend time and money on effective training when it comes to their agents and professionals handling organic waste.

While composting helps to break down organic waste into nutrition-rich fertilizers for lawns and plants, you may not have the resources to maintain an effective composting program at home. Thankfully, your waste management company will welcome that organic waste with open arms. They have the means to recycle your organic waste, helping the waste take the form of a new life that helps our environment. So, check with your waste management company and find how you can properly dispose of your organic waste

As your Grand Rapids, Michigan waste management company, we offer commercial dumpsters and even a composting guide for organic waste. We can provide you with a list of what can and what cannot be utilized as compost.

As your accomplished, dedicated, and experienced waste management company serving Grand Rapids, Michigan and the surrounding areas, you can also count on us for quality trash removal services, dumpster rentals for those projects that garner lots of waste, effective yard waste removal solutions, and more. Connect with us and learn how to properly dispose of your organic waste. The organic garbage you have today can help save our Mother Earth for a brighter tomorrow!
