Yard waste is a huge part of municipal solid waste. Organic materials make up the largest part of it. Yard trimmings and food waste account for 28% of this, while paper products account for 27%. Because of this massive amount, you might feel like maybe it isn’t worth getting rid of your leaves. But there are several reasons why it is essential to do so.


Fallen leaves are a slipping hazard, especially once they’ve gotten wet and begun to deteriorate. If you step on leaves and slip, you risk a broken bone. Fallen leaves can also hide other hazards that might be tucked away in your yard. Things like broken glass, sharp sticks, and biting insects are invisible beneath a thick layer of leaves. By cleaning up your yard waste, you can avoid these dangers.

Snow Mold

Wet leaves are a perfect environment for mold and mildew. The most common of these is snow mold, which is a fungal infection that appears in the early spring after snow piles up on wet leaves all winter. The leaves begin to break down and a pinkish mold grows, spreading onto the grass. It is an unattractive growth that isn’t healthy for your yard. While it is possible to treat snow mold, the easiest way to prevent it from happening at all is to clean up your leaves.

Your Lawn’s Health

If you want a healthy lawn next year, you need to take care of your leaves. Otherwise, the grass might not get the light and nutrition it needs before the winter arrives. Your grass lies dormant during the winter, so it is important that it has a healthy foundation to start from in the spring. A thick layer of yard waste can prevent that foundation from forming, so make sure that you take care of the leaves before the snow starts.

You can take care of the leaves yourself or hire a company to do it for you. But regardless of which you choose, it is essential that you get your leaves removed after they fall. Otherwise, you might end up with unexpected issues to deal with later on.