Beyond the apparent options like paper and plastic recycling, there are a variety of less obvious but equally effective methods for reducing the amount of trash we put into landfills. According to Chem Europe, the “3 Rs” of trash management, “reduce, reuse, and recycle,” form a waste hierarchy that ranks waste management measures from most to least desirable for waste minimization. Here are a few recycling tips for your family this fall.

1. Composting

With leaves piling up in your yard, consider starting or restarting your home composting practice. The brown materials in a compost pile (leaves, straw, sawdust, etc.) and the green materials (vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, etc.) combine to form the nutrient-rich soil amendment over time. Make use of a compost container or tumbler to contain the potential mess. It’s estimated that composting might save over 60% of household waste from being dumped in landfills, so even just doing your part, you can save and help the environment.

2. Do Regular Recycling Drop-Offs

Select one or two days each week to take the kids with you while you drop off your full recycling bins at your community’s recycling center. Be as consistent with the time and day as possible so your kids can see your dedication to recycling and, ideally, take up the habit. Teaching your children about the benefits of recycling can encourage them to care about and do their part to improve the environment their whole life.

3. Offer Incentives for Recycling

Making recycling a game for the whole family is a great way to get youngsters excited about it. Adding incentives will only make it better since kids love receiving rewards. A “recycler of the month” photo on the fridge, a special gift, reduced household duties, or even a written acknowledgment of their efforts are all awesome forms of positive reinforcement added to the positive impact your whole family is making on the environment.

4. Make Sure You Have Designated Recycling Bins

Designate a spot in the house where your kids can keep their recyclables organized. Have selected spaces for glass, paper, and plastic. The organization shows your children you take recycling seriously and encourages them to practice sorting different types of recyclables as well.

Not only will your children benefit from learning about recycling and incorporating it into their daily lives, but they will also contribute to a cleaner environment, which will benefit them as they grow older. Follow the recycling tips mentioned above to make your home greener and slowly make the environment green as well. Get in touch with us today to take advantage of our recycling services. We can make recycling even easier!