Now that you understand how to choose the right dumpster service and what size dumpster to rent, you should know more about the average dumpster rental prices. Nationally, it costs nearly $400 to rent a dumpster, and residential and commercial service prices vary depending on hidden costs the company passes on to the consumer.

Here at Arrowaste, we work with our clients to make sure they receive a great price, along with responsive customer service, when renting residential or commercial dumpsters in western Michigan. When asking for a temporary dumpster quote, make sure to check if the following fees are associated with rental costs:

Overage/Tonnage Fee

Usually, landfills charge dumpster rental companies by the weight of material in dumpsters. Depending on the size of your dumpster, companies may have different tonnage capacities and load limits. To eliminate any additional tonnage fees, ask your representative about the specific weight capacity for your corresponding rollaway dumpster. In general, a cubic square foot of concrete typically weights 150 pounds, a bundle of shingles weights between 50 and 200 pounds, and a square foot of ½ inch thick drywall weighs 2 pounds.

Overloading Fee

Most rental dumpster companies provide specific details about costs associated with overloading your rollaway dumpster. Legally, drivers cannot transport overloaded dumpsters, and to compensate for delay and dumpster dig-out, you will likely be charged an overloading fee for these dumpsters. As such, when filling up your rollaway dumpster, confirm that debris is not piled high and hanging over the dumpster’s edge.

Trip Fee

Some of the larger rollaway dumpsters – such as the 20-, 30-, and 40-yard dumpsters – require a large amount of vertical space for drop-off and pick-up purposes. In order for drivers to complete the trip without an associated fee, remove all hanging wires and tree branches within a 20 feet vertical range from the ground. This will ensure quick, easy unloading and loading, saving you any delay and a trip fee.

Late Fee

Every company has a different rental time period, and most companies require you to schedule a time for your dumpster removal. If you require additional time beyond the initial rental period, make sure to speak with a representative about your rental agreement to avoid a late fee. At Arrowaste, the initial rental period is 10 days, and additional time is available upon request.

Hazard Fee

Some dumpster rental companies will charge an extra fee if you eliminate corrosive or flammable household items in a residential or commercial rollaway dumpster. To avoid these costs, talk with your business representative, and dispose of the following toxic items legally and safely:

  • Propane tanks
  • Ammunition
  • Paint cans and paint chips
  • Aerosol cans
  • Household cleaning supplies
  • Batteries
  • Fluorescent light bulbs
  • Gasoline and antifreeze
  • Pesticides and fertilizers
  • Pharmaceutical and bio-medical waste

By speaking with your representative about these costs and knowing how to avoid unnecessary associated fees, you will be able to decrease the price of renting your rollaway dumpster. As these are only a handful of dumpster fees, make sure speak with your local dumpster company about any other costs regarding your service.

Arrowaste is happy to walk through any questions you may have about full range trash garbage, trash, recycling, and disposable services in Grand Rapids and Holland. Call us at (616) 748.1955 or fill out this form to get a quote, today!